1 개요
James Dashner
2 작품
- 지미 핀처 사가(The Jimmy Fincher Saga)
- A Door in the Woods
- A Gift of Ice
- The Tower of Air
- War of the Black Curtain
- 서틴스 리얼리티(The 13th Reality) 시리즈
- The Journal of Curious Letters
- The Hunt for Dark Infinity
- The Blade of Shattered Hope
- 메이즈 러너(The Maze Runner) 시리즈
- 인피니티 링(The Infinity Ring) 시리즈
- A Mutiny in Time
- The Iron Empire
- 모탈리티 독트린(The Mortality Doctrine) 시리즈
- The Eye of Minds
- The Rule of Thoughts
- The Game of Lives
- Gunner Skale