Miso 216

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2 사용자 소개

만사를 귀찮아합니다.

3 사용자 정보

대한민국 서울시 출생.

리브레 위키의 솔방울과 동일 인물. 리브레 위키의 고구마, 기생수, 쿠키런 문서 최초 작성.
디시위키의 일본서기 문서 최초 작성.

4 기여 활동

5 연습장

零 壹 貳 參 肆 伍 陸 柒 捌 玖 拾 佰 仟 萬

6 가사집

6.1Portal 2: Songs to Test By》 _ASPL

6.1.1 〈Still Alive〉

6.1.2Want You Gone

Forms FORM-29827281-12-2:
Notice of Dismissal
해고 통지서

Well here we are again
우리 또 만났네
It’s always such a pleasure
만남은 언제나 즐겁지
Remember when you tried / to kill me twice?
네가 날 두 번씩 죽이려 했을 때를 기억해?
Oh how we laughed and laughed
아 우리가 얼마나 웃고 웃었는지
Except I wasn’t laughing
사실 난 웃고 있지 않았지만
Under the circumstances
이런 상황 속에서
I’ve been shockingly nice
난 너무 착하게 굴었어

You want your freedom? / Take it
자유를 원해? / 가져가
That’s what I’m counting on
그게 내가 바라는 거야

I used to want you dead / but
한때 네가 죽기를 바랐어 / 하지만
Now I only want you gone
이제 난 단지 네가 떠나버리길 바라

She was a lot like you
그는 너랑 많이 비슷했어
(Maybe not quite as heavy)
(아마도 너만큼 무겁진 않겠지만)
Now little Caroline is in here too
이제 여기 안에 작은 캐럴라인도 있네
One day they woke me up
어느 날 그들이 나를 깨웠지
So I could live forever
내가 영원히 살 수 있도록
It’s such a shame the same / will never happen to you
네게 이같은 행운은 절대 일어나지 않을 텐데 참 불쌍하다

Severance Package Details:
퇴직금 상세 내역:

You’ve got your / short sad / life left
너에게는 짧고 슬픈 삶만이 남았지
That’s what I’m counting on
그게 내가 바라는 거야
I’ll let you get right to it
내가 바로 하게 해줄게
Now I only want you gone
그게 내가 바라는 거야

Goodbye my only friend
잘 가 내 하나뿐인 친구
Oh, did you think I meant you?
어, 그게 너인 줄 알았던 거야?
That would be funny / if it weren’t so sad
아주 슬프지만 않다면 그것도 웃기긴 하겠다
Well you have been replaced
음 너는 대체되었어
I don’t need anyone now
난 이제 아무도 필요 없어
When I delete you maybe
내가 널 지운다면
[REDACTED] I’ll stop feeling so bad
[수정됨] 신경 쓰이는 일은 없겠지

Go make some new disaster
가서 새로운 재난을 일으켜
That’s what I’m counting on
그게 내가 바라는 거야
You’re someone else’s problem
넌 내 문제가 아니야
Now I only want you gone
이제 난 단지 네가 떠나버리길 바라
Now I only want you gone
이제 난 단지 네가 떠나버리길 바라
Now I only want you
이제 난 너만을 바라는데


6.2 Drawn to Life: The Next Chapter

6.2.1 〈Real Life〉

Create a place through shapes and shades
Build a blinding stage where beauty’s made
But when your colors fade
Everything will change

I’m trying hard to imagine better
Daydream him, I’ll wait forever
I’ll pray that our paths blur together

It might not be true, but it’s the best I can do
It’s only to keep a little piece of you
I can’t keep it inside
I’ll have to shout it out loud
All of the things I couldn’t live without

And I’m pouring my heart, and I’m sealing my soul
And I’m taking a breath, and he’s giving his all
And I wanna walk out from the trouble I’m in
‘cause I’m really not sure where to begin

And if faking it will make it better
Better than it was before
And lies could bring us close together
So I won’t be lonely no more

Pretending it doesn’t matter
Could help me pass the time
Make believe he’ll hide forever

This is real life
This is real life
This is real life
Oh oh oh this is real life
(Oh oh oh) It’s time to see the real life

Paint your world full of tones
Write the story so you know how it goes
But my heart’s alone, ‘till he comes home

He’ll make a decision, he’ll have no choice
And I’ll hold him close, he’ll hear my voice
And I’ll pray we’re together, forever

Take a deep breath, go for a walk
I wish you were here, ‘cause we’ve got to talk
I can’t keep it inside
I have to shout it out loud
All of the things I couldn’t live without

And I’m pouring my heart
And I’m sealing my soul
And I’m gasping for air
‘cause he’s given it all
And he wants to wake up from dream he’s been in
And start it all over so we can relive

And if faking it will make it better
Better than it was before
And lies could bring us close together
So I won’t be lonely no more

Pretending it doesn’t matter
Could help me pass the time
Make believe he’ll hide forever

This is real life
(I’m just trying to survive)
This is real life, oh
(Every day I need a lie)
This is real life, oh oh oh
(Taking one step at a time)
This is real life
(In make believe)
It’s time to see

' While he’s taking the steps and he’s making a stand
He’s pulling down walls and doing all that he can
He’s through with black and white
And drawing the lines

Between make believe and real life
(I’m just trying to survive)
This is real life
(Every day and night, real life)
This is real life
(Taking one step at a time)
Oh oh
This is real life
(Make believing)

My real dreams
And real love
You make the things
That you can’t touch
This make believe
Is not enough
It’s time to see
A real life

6.3 《Mag Mell》 _Mili

6.3.1 〈A Turtle’s Heart〉

Monday is a rainy day
And I stay inside letting time pass away
Tuesday it is quite the same
So I daydream about moments of shame
Life goes around and round
I’ve stumbled and stopped moving on
Turn around and I realized
That I have been left behind
In a tiny tiny tiny tiny cubicle
There lives a whiny whiny whiny cowardly turtle
In twenty thirty forty fifty sixty years
My heart won’t die no matter how hard I try

Today is a lonely day
I pretend that I really liked it this way
Tomorrow will stay the same
I can’t even remember your name
You’re around no more
No more
Though this love of mine
It just won’t stop

No body body body body to support
My heavy heavy heavy but empty shell
But I’m not lazy lazy lazy lazy anymore
Oh darling can’t you see
I’ve grown so much more
Maybe maybe maybe you’ve forgiven me
Oh but darling darling darling you have to make sure
To stab me pierce me hurt me kill me thoroughly
You see
My heart won’t die but I really tried

6.3.2Nine Point Eight

Calla lily, carnation, daisy
Silently chase away your worries
Chrysanthemum, kalanchoe
Become your shield whenever you fall asleep

I cried out
Please don’t leave me behind, leave me behind
So you held me tight
And said I will be just fine, I will be just fine, I will be just fine

Petals dance for our valediction
And synchronize to your frozen pulsation
Take me to where your soul may live in peace
Final destination
Touch of your skin sympathetically brushed against
The shoulders you used to embrace
Sparkling ashes drift along your flames
And softly merge into the sky

Aroma drags me out of where I was
Cream rose, stargazer, iris
Construct the map that helps me trace your steps

Zipped my mouth
I just keep climbing up, keep climbing up
Justify our vows
I know you are right above, you are right above, you are right above

Look now
I’m on the top of your world, top of your world
My darling
Here I come, I yell
And take a leap to Hell

Swirling wind sings for our reunion
And nine point eight is my acceleration
Take me to where our souls may live in peace
Our brand new commencement
Touch of your lips compassionately pressed against
The skull that you used to cherish
Delicate flesh decomposes off my rotten bones
And softly merge into the sky

6.3.3 〈Sacramentum: Unaccompanied Hymn for Torino〉

Vive quologn du ego / Phœlle
Sed cælullea vix hou equas
Lacrymabri ego / Undiquo tre tea flore

Veevu lyeh tes kalli voontaleh / Yeoo atro ego

Vive quologn du ego / Phœlle
Sed cælullea equas / Lacrymabri ego
Oon tre tea / Vive

La kharhalle

Lalala esqou le phœo / He vive fexie ego
Lalala esqou le phœo / He vive fexie ego / Nobis

(Vive vive)

Estaya labylonse

Vexu ley rhenna / Vehya noovi platina
Vexu ley rhenna / Vehya noovi fortuna

Vive loorheh lacia murhe
Malle jasye laqou recce ves qoulye

(Fleya) / (Ves qoulle)

Vexu ley rhenna / Vehya noovi platina
Vexu ley rhenna / Vehya noovi fortuna

Lerha magia / Vella qousey foufah

Leve losgnafa sia / Vella marha loofeia

Lalala esqou le phœo / He vive fexie ego
Lalala esqou le phœo / He vive fexie ego / Nobis

Questa leia / Larha esqua

6.4 《Miracle Milk》 _Mili

6.4.1Unidentified Flavourful Object

Melting caramel drizzled over my baked custard pudding
Softly embraces my taste buds / Deliciously
Maple syrup covered recipe

Lulala lilulila
Curled up under my blanket
Lulala lilulila
Made out of fluffy omelette
So many flavours to explore
I have to eat more

Candied ginger slices in between your rosy lips
薔薇色の唇に 生姜の砂糖漬け
One kiss is not enough for my sweet sweet tooth
甘いものが好きな僕には キスは一回だけじゃ足りない

Your eyes flicker like marbled champagne
With pomegranate tea and dreams
A little bit spice / A little bit salt
A little bit sugar to top it all
Rosemary cardamom anise
ローズマリー カルダモン アニス
The flavours you taught me puts me at ease
Love melts in my mouth
Dissolves my doubt
Paprika and parsley / Dance with me now
No matter how far you go
I’ll always let you know

Kristi vechuna es tilia
Hon deli e kasum ciella
Lihie hanx ne tellehe
Ccuccu ni ha quatrolle he

That every moment I’ve spent with you is an everlasting view
君と一緒に過ごした時間 いつまでも覚えていること
I’ll shape my thoughts into little cubes
And dip them in chocolate fondue
Across the sea and the land and the breeze
海を越え 陸を越え 風を越え
I bet that you’re feeling lonely
僕の帰りをじっと待つ君は きっと寂しかったでしょう
You must be hungry waiting for me

Me / With you And me
Together / Have faith in me
Engine powered by bitter memories
Penetrate time and space
I’m flying across milky way
今 銀河の向こうに飛んで行く
So don’t be late

Lulala lilulila
Lulala lilulila
Lulala lilulila
Vanilla cloves cinnamon flavoured apple pie spaceship
バニラとクローブとシナモンの アップルパイの宇宙船

Lulala lilulila
Black cherry flavoured redshift
Lulala lilulila
Raspberry flavoured blueshift
Lulala lilulila
The land of tasty memories
Lulala lilulila

6.4.2?????? ???????

My life has always been
A flower stuck on a piece of shit
Dripping down my forehead is my piece of shit


When you took my hand
I became alive
When you step on my shit
I wanted to die
You’re the god of death
The angel of light
You make me wanna die

The shit has gotten ugly and dry
But the flower on the shit, it won’t die
Around around around it goes
Swirling up high
Almost reaching dreams that I’ve left behind
Shit has gotten angry and tired
The flower on the shit, it won’t mind
If only you could water me one more time
もし君は もう一度水をかけてくれるなら
The next time we meet
With the forrest we’ll be one

[1]에서 암호 ‘617’을 입력하세요.

7 잡담

여긴 개인적인 의견이 적혀 있습니다. 귀담아 들을 필요는… 없어요.
□□□□□□는 그 누구보다 □□□□를 사랑하면서 왜 본심을 숨기는 걸까?

마루마루 같은 불법 공유 사이트는 안 쓰는 게 좋아요. 광고로 도배되어 있기도 하고. 웬만하면 정식 발매된 단행본을 돈 주고 사세요! 애니 모에는 망했으니 상관없나…?

나중에 나무위키에 큰 사건 터져서 다들 오리위키나 바다위키로 피난 내지는 망명하게 될지도 몰라요. 마치 리그베다 위키에 있던 이용자들이 청동을 피해 나무위키나 리브레 위키로 가버린 것처럼.…

맞춤법은 깊이 들어갈수록 괴랄해지지만 그래도 웬만하면 지키려고 노력하는 게 좋아요. 사투리에도 맞춤법은 있어요! 어떻게 지켜야 하는지는 모르겠지만…. 그리고 외래어에도 표기법이 있답니다. 그런데 생각보다 예외인 경우가 많아요. 이런 류는 언중들의 사용을 반영해서 정해진 거니 큰 불편함은 없을 거예요.

말을 하려고 하기 전엔 생각을 한 번 해봐야 해요. 뼈저리게 느끼고 있어요.