
< 미군

1 개요

미국 국방부는 국방부 홈페이지에서 주요 미군 장관급 장교인사명령을 발표한다. 명의는 각군 청장참모총장 명의로 나간다. 방위성/인사발령과 마찬가지로 미군의 주요 장관급 장교의 커리어패스를 살펴볼 수 있도록 이 항목을 만들었다.

출처는General & Flag Officer Announcements이다. General Officer는 미합중국 육군, 미합중국 해병대, 미합중국 공군장군을 가리키며 Flag Officer는 미합중국 해군제독을 가리킨다.

편의상 항목 작성일에서 가장 가까웠던 항목부터 기재한다.

항목은 연/월로 목차를 나누고 한 칸 들여쓴 *로 군종을 표시한다.

2 2015년

2.1 3월

2.1.1 3월 6일

제임스 버크스(James. J. Burks)대령 ▶ 준장공군의무지원운영국장[1]공군본부 의무감실 의무인사처장[2]
앤드루 크로프트(Andrew A. Croft)대령 ▶ 준장NORAD 작전차장[3] ▶ 공군교육사령부 계획처장[4]
돈 던롭(Dawn M. Dunlop)준장공군교육사령부 계획처장 ▶ 나토군 공수조기경보통제사령관[5]
데이비드 줄라자데(David J. Julazadeh)준장국방부 부장관실 군사보좌관[6] ▶ 455원정비행단장[7]
마크 켈리(Mark D. Kelly)준장 ▶ 소장455원정비행단장 ▶ 9공군사령관[8]
제프리 크루스(Jeffrey A. Kruse)대령 ▶ 준장유럽사령부 선임특별보좌관[9] ▶ 공군전투사령부 연합/합동TF고유해결작전부장[10]
빌리 톰프슨(Billy D. Thompson)준장공군상원연락사무소장[11] ▶ 공군본부 인사참모부 차장[12]
폴 웰치(Paul A. Welch)대령 ▶ 준장공군우주사령부 항공우주사이버작전차장[13] ▶ 공군전투센터 부센터장[14]
캐슬린 크라이턴(Kathleen M. Creighton)대령 ▶ 준장해군본부 참모차장실 정보우세담당 특별보좌관[15] ▶ 태평양사령부 지휘통제통신사이버처장[16]

2.1.2 3월 9일

버트 휘트먼(Burke Whitman)준장(예) ▶ 소장(예)제2해병원정군 부군장[17]
마이클 페이히(Michael F. Fahey III)대령(예) ▶ 준장(예)정보지원대대장[18]
크레이그 크렌쇼(Craig C. Crenshaw)준장 ▶ 소장해병대사령부 시설수송처장[19]
존 러브(John K. Love)준장 ▶ 소장해병대사령부 운영처장[20]
닐 넬슨(Neil E. Nelson)준장 ▶ 소장ISAF본부 연합합동수송부장[21]
스티븐 러더(Steven R. Rudder)준장 ▶ 소장제1해병비행사단[22]
크레이그 팀버레이크(Craig Q. Timberlake)준장 ▶ 소장해군청 인력관리차장보실 인력관리처장[23]

2.1.3 3월 11일

론 매클래런(Ron J. MacLaren)준장 ▶ 소장국방수송단 합동긴급사태획득지원실장[24]
존 알렉산더(John D. Alexander)준장 ▶ 소장제5항모전단장[25]
브라이언 앤토니오(Brian K. Antonio)준장 ▶ 소장연안전투함프로그램국장[26]
로널드 복설(Ronald A. Boxall)준장 ▶ 소장제3항모전단장[27]
로버트 버크(Robert P. Burke)준장 ▶ 소장유럽아프리카해군작전부장[28]
매슈 카터(Matthew J. Carter)준장 ▶ 소장요코스카해역사령관[29]
크리스토퍼 그레이디(Christopher W. Grady준장 ▶ 소장제1항모전단장[30]
마이클 재벌레이(Michael E. Jabaley Jr.)준장 ▶ 소장해군해상체계사령부 수중전투부사령관[31]
콜린 킬레인(Colin J. Kilrain)준장 ▶ 소장태평양사령부 특수작전사령관[32]
앤드루 루이스(Andrew L. Lewis)준장 ▶ 소장제12항모전단장[33]
디울프 밀러(DeWolfe H. Miller)준장 ▶ 소장제2항모전단장[34]
테리 몰턴(Terry J. Moulton)준장 ▶ 소장해군의료센터장[35]
브렛 뮬런버그(Bret J. Muilenburg)준장 ▶ 소장해군태평양시설기술사령부[36]
존 니글리(John P. Neagley)준장 ▶ 소장우주해상전투체계사령부부사령관[37]
낸시 노턴(Nancy A. Norton)준장 ▶ 소장태평양사령부 C41부장[38]
패트릭 피어시(Patrick A. Piercey)준장 ▶ 소장제9항모전단장[39]
찰스 리처드(Charles A. Richard)준장 ▶ 소장제10잠수함전단장[40]
로버트 샤프(Robert D. Sharp)준장 ▶ 소장특수전사령부 정보부장(J2)[41]
폴 솔(Paul A. Sohl)준장 ▶ 소장함대기동센터장[42]
휴 웨더럴드(Hugh D. Wetherald)준장 ▶ 소장제7원정타격전단장[43]
마크 휘트니(Mark R. Whitney)준장 ▶ 소장해군해상체계사령부 수송정비산업작전부사령관[44]
리키 윌리엄슨(Ricky L. Williamson)준장 ▶ 소장대서양중부해역사령관[45]
존 해닝크(John G. Hannink)대령 ▶ 준장해군법무차장[46]

2.1.4 3월 13일

카일 코재드(Kyle J. Cozad)준장관타나모TF사령관[47] ▶ 정찰초계단장[48]
낸시 노턴(Nancy A. Norton)준장태평양사령부 C41부장[49] ▶ 해군참모총장실 전투통합관리처장[50]

2.1.5 3월 16일

케빈 케네디(Kevin B. Kennedy)대령 ▶ 준장제28폭격비행단장[51] ▶ 공군본부 전투조종사체계/사이버공간통합처장[52]
패트릭 모덴티(Patrick X. Mordente)준장제86수송비행단장[53] ▶ 공군수송사 18공군 부사령관[54]
토머스 샤피(Thomas J. Sharpy)준장 ▶ 소장공군수송사 18공군 부사령관[55] ▶ 공군수송사 전략기획부장[56]
존 토머스(Jon T. Thomas)준장합참 미래합동군개발단 부단장[57] ▶ 제86수송비행단장[58]

2.1.6 3월 17일

스티븐 윌슨(Stephen W. Wilson)중장대륙간타격사령관[59] ▶ 공군전략사 부사령관[60]
아널드 번치(Arnold W. Bunch Jr.)소장 ▶ 중장공군테스트센터장[61] ▶ 공군청 획득차장 보좌관 [62]
토드 매캐프리(Todd B. McCaffrey)소장태평양육군 참모장[63] ▶ 태평양육군 부사령관[64]
칼 앨릭스(Carl A. Alex)준장제10산악사단 지원부사단장 [65] ▶ 육군전력사령부 기동처장[66]
스티븐 파먼(Stephen E. Farmen)준장제19지원사령관[67] ▶ 합동군수치명성생애주기관리사령관[68]
브라이언 펜턴(Bryan P. Fenton)준장제25보병사단 전개부사단장[69] ▶ 태평양육군 작전처(G-3)장 [70]
토머스 그레이브스(Thomas C. Graves)준장제1보병사단 전개부사단장[71] ▶ 8군 전개부사령관[72]
크리스토퍼 휴스(Christopher P. Hughes)준장육군지휘참모대학 부교장[73] ▶ 태평양육군 참모장[74]
클레이턴 헛마커(Clayton M. Hutmacher)준장제2보병사단 지원부사단장[75] ▶ 육군특수작전사령부 부사령관[76]
패트릭 매틀록(Patrick E. Matlock)준장합참 작전본부(J-3) 국내합동작전정보센터 부센터장[77] ▶ 제25보병사단 부사단장[78]
대니얼 미첼(Daniel G. Mitchell)준장제1전역지원사령부 지원부사령관[79] ▶ 장비관리사령부 지원부사령관[80]
로버트 얼지스(Robert J. Ulses)준장태평양육군 작전처(G-3)장[81] ▶ 제7보병사단 부사단장[82]
  • 국방부 임원급 인사
러네이 토머스리초(Rene' K. Thomas-Rizzo)고위공무원해군청 프로그램 매니저[83] ▶ 국방부 군수차관실 인적자본계획처장[84]
에릭 패닝(Eric K. Fanning)[85]고위공무원공군청 부청장[86] ▶ 국방장관/부장관 특별보좌관[87]
마샤 케이스(Marcia A. Case)고위공무원국방부 재무차관실 군사작전처 차장[88] ▶ 국방부 워싱턴근무지원단 재무처장[89]
  1. 이동 director, Air Force Medical Support Operations, and administrator, Air Force Medical Operations Agency, Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland-Kelly, Texas
  2. 이동 director, manpower, personnel and resources, and chief, Medical Service Corps, Office of the Surgeon General, Headquarters U.S. Air Force, Falls Church, Virginia.
  3. 이동 vice director of operations, J-3, Headquarters North American Aerospace Defense Command, Peterson Air Force Base, Colorado
  4. 이동 director, plans, programs, and requirements, Headquarters Air Education and Training Command, Joint Base San Antonio-Randolph, Texas.
  5. 이동 commander, North Atlantic Treaty Organization Airborne Early Warning and Control Force Command, Headquarters Supreme Allied Command Europe, Casteau, Belgium.
  6. 이동 military assistant to the deputy secretary of defense, Office of the Secretary of Defense, Pentagon, Washington, District of Columbia
  7. 이동 commander, 455th Air Expeditionary Wing, Air Combat Command, Southwest Asia.
  8. 이동 commander, Ninth Air Force, Air Combat Command, Shaw Air Force Base, South Carolina.
  9. 이동 senior special assistant to the commander, U.S. European Command and Supreme Allied Commander Europe, Headquarters U.S. European Command, Casteau, Belgium
  10. 이동 director, J-2, Combined Joint Task Force Operation Inherent Resolve, Air Combat Command, Southwest Asia.
  11. 이동 chief, Air Force Senate Liaison Office, Office of the Legislative Liaison, Pentagon, Washington, District of Columbia
  12. 이동 Deputy Chief of Staff, Manpower, Personnel and Services, Headquarters U.S. Air Force, Pentagon, Washington, District of Columbia.
  13. 이동 deputy director, Air, Space and Cyberspace Operations, Headquarters Air Force Space Command, Peterson Air Force Base, Colorado
  14. 이동 vice commander, U.S. Air Force Warfare Center, Air Combat Command, Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada.
  15. 이동 special assistant to the deputy chief of naval operations for information dominance, N2/N6, Office of the Chief of Naval Operations, Washington, District of Columbia.
  16. 이동 director for command, control, communications and cyber (C4), J-6, U.S. Pacific Command, Camp H.M. Smith, Hawaii
  17. 이동 deputy commanding general, II Marine Expeditionary Force (Mobilization), Camp Lejeune, North Carolina
  18. 이동 commanding officer of Intelligence Support Battalion, New Orleans, Louisiana.
  19. 이동 the assistant deputy commandant for Installations and Logistics, Headquarters, Marine Corps, Washington, District of Columbia.
  20. 이동 the director of operations, Plans, Policy and Operations, Headquarters, Marine Corps, Washington, District of Columbia.
  21. 이동 the chief, combined joint logistics, Headquarters, International Security Assistance Force, Afghanistan.
  22. 이동 commanding general, 1st Marine Aircraft Wing, Okinawa, Japan.
  23. 이동 the director of manpower management, Manpower and Reserve Affairs, Quantico, Virginia.
  24. 이동 director, Joint Contingency Acquisition Support Office, Defense Logistics Agency, Fort Belvoir, Virginia.
  25. 이동 Task Force SEVEN ZERO, and commander, Carrier Strike Group FIVE, Yokosuka, Japan.
  26. 이동 program executive officer for Littoral Combat Ships, Washington, District of Columbia.
  27. 이동 commander, Carrier Strike Group THREE, San Diego, California.
  28. 이동 director of operations, U.S. Naval Forces Europe-Africa; deputy commander, U.S. SIXTH Fleet; and commander, Submarine Group EIGHT, Naples, Italy.
  29. 이동 commander, U.S. Naval Forces, Japan, and commander, Navy Region, Yokosuka, Japan.
  30. 이동 commander, Carrier Strike Group ONE, San Diego, California.
  31. 이동 deputy commander for undersea warfare, SEA-07, Naval Sea Systems Command, Washington, District of Columbia.
  32. 이동 commander, Special Operations Command, U.S. Pacific Command, Camp H. M. Smith, Hawaii.
  33. 이동 commander, Carrier Strike Group TWELVE, Norfolk, Virginia.
  34. 이동 commander, Carrier Strike Group TWO, Norfolk, Virginia.
  35. 이동 as commander, Navy Medicine East, and commander, Naval Medical Center, Portsmouth, Virginia.
  36. 이동 commander, Naval Facilities Engineering Command Pacific, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.
  37. 이동 deputy commander, Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command, San Diego, California.
  38. 이동 director for command, control, communications and cyber (C4), J6, U.S. Pacific Command, Camp H. M. Smith, Hawaii.
  39. 이동 commander, Carrier Strike Group NINE, San Diego, California.
  40. 이동 commander, Submarine Group TEN, Kings Bay, Georgia.
  41. 이동 director of intelligence, J2, U.S. Special Operations Command, MacDill Air Force Base, Florida.
  42. 이동 commander, Fleet Readiness Centers, and assistant commander for logistics and industrial operations (AIR-6.0), Naval Air Systems Command, Patuxent River, Maryland.
  43. 이동 commander, Expeditionary Strike Group SEVEN, and commander, Amphibious Force, U.S. SEVENTH Fleet, Okinawa, Japan.
  44. 이동 deputy commander, logistics, maintenance, and industrial operations, SEA-04, Naval Sea Systems Command, Washington, District of Columbia.
  45. 이동 commander, Navy Region Mid Atlantic, Norfolk, Virginia.
  46. 이동 deputy judge advocate general of the Navy. Hannink is currently serving as a Chief of Naval Operations Strategic Studies Group fellow, Newport, Rhode Island.
  47. 이동 commander, Joint Task Force Guantanamo, U.S. Southern Command, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
  48. 이동 commander, Patrol and Reconnaissance Group, Norfolk, Virginia.
  49. 이동 director for command, control, communications and cyber (C4), J-6, U.S. Pacific Command, Camp H. M. Smith, Hawaii.
  50. 이동 director, Warfare Integration Directorate, N2/N6F, Office of the Chief of Naval Operations
  51. 이동 commander, 28th Bomb Wing, Air Combat Command, Ellsworth Air Force Base, South Dakota
  52. 이동 director, warfighter systems and cyberspace integration, Office of Chief, Information Dominance and Chief Information Officer, Office of the Secretary of the Air Force, Pentagon, Washington, District of Columbia.
  53. 이동 commander, 86th Airlift Wing, U.S. Air Forces Europe, Ramstein Air Base, Germany
  54. 이동 vice commander, 18th Air Force, Air Mobility Command, Scott Air Force Base, Illinois.
  55. 이동 vice commander, 18th Air Force, Air Mobility Command, Scott Air Force Base, Illinois
  56. 이동 director, strategic plans, requirements and programs, Headquarters Air Mobility Command, Scott Air Force Base, Illinois.
  57. 이동 deputy director, future joint force development, Joint Staff, Suffolk, Virginia
  58. 이동 86th Airlift Wing, U.S. Air Forces Europe, Ramstein Air Base, Germany.
  59. 이동 commander, Air Force Global Strike Command, Barksdale Air Force Base, Louisiana.
  60. 이동 deputy commander, U.S. Strategic Command, Offutt Air Force Base, Nebraska.
  61. 이동 commander, Air Force Test Center, Air Force Materiel Command, Edwards Air Force Base, California.
  62. 이동 military deputy, Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Acquisition, Pentagon, Washington, District of Columbia.
  63. 이동 chief of staff, U.S. Army Pacific, Fort Shafter, Hawaii
  64. 이동 deputy commanding general, U.S. Army Pacific, Fort Shafter, Hawaii.
  65. 이동 deputy commanding general (support), 10th Mountain Division (Light), Fort Drum, New York
  66. 이동 assistant deputy chief of staff, G-3/5/7 (readiness), U.S. Army Forces Command, Fort Bragg, North Carolina.
  67. 이동 commanding general, 19th Sustainment Command (Expeditionary), Eighth U.S. Army, Republic of Korea
  68. 이동 commanding general, Joint Munitions and Lethality Life Cycle Management Command and Joint Munitions Command, and deputy commanding general, Army Sustainment Command, Rock Island Arsenal, Illinois.
  69. 이동 deputy commanding general (operations), 25th Infantry Division, Schofield Barracks, Hawaii
  70. 이동 assistant chief of staff, G-3, U.S. Army Pacific, Fort Shafter, Hawaii.
  71. 이동 deputy commanding general (operations), 1st Infantry Division, Fort Riley, Kansas
  72. 이동 deputy commanding general (operations), Eighth U.S. Army, Republic of Korea.
  73. 이동 deputy commandant, U.S. Army Command and General Staff College; and deputy commanding general, leader development and education, U.S. Army Combined Arms Center, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas
  74. 이동 chief of staff, U.S. Army Pacific, Fort Shafter, Hawaii.
  75. 이동 deputy commanding general (support), 2d Infantry Division, Eighth U.S. Army, Republic of Korea
  76. 이동 deputy commanding general, U.S. Army Special Operations Command, Fort Bragg, North Carolina.
  77. 이동 deputy director for operations, National Joint Operations Intelligence Center, Operations Team Four, J-3, Joint Staff, Washington, District of Columbia
  78. 이동 deputy commanding general, 25th Infantry Division, Schofield Barracks, Hawaii.
  79. 이동 deputy commanding general (support), 1st Theater Sustainment Command, Fort Bragg, North Carolina
  80. 이동 deputy commanding general for support, Installation Management Command, Joint Base San Antonio, Texas.
  81. 이동 assistant chief of staff, G-3, U.S. Army Pacific, Fort Shafter, Hawaii,
  82. 이동 deputy commanding general, 7th Infantry Division, Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Washington.
  83. 이동 program manager, Department of the Navy, Arlington, Virginia.
  84. 이동 director, human capital initiatives, Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics, Washington, District of Columbia
  85. 이동 공군청장 직무대행을 한 경력이 있다.
  86. 이동 the under secretary of the Air Force, Department of Defense, Washington, District of Columbia.
  87. 이동 the special assistant to the Secretary and Deputy Secretary of Defense (chief of staff), immediate Office of the Secretary of Defense, Washington, District of Columbia
  88. 이동 associate director for military operations, Office of the Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller), Washington, District of Columbia.
  89. 이동 director, Financial Management Directorate, and chief financial executive, Washington Headquarters Services, Washington, District of Columbia.