
(Lolirock에서 넘어옴)


1 개요

라이선싱용 예고편. (방송용은 아니다.) 초반에 나오는 배경음악은 케이티 페리의 "Fire Work".

말괄량이 삼총사(Totally Spies)를 제작한 바 있는 프랑스 마라통 사(현재 조디악 사 산하)가 제작한 프랑스의 아이돌 마법소녀물. 몇몇 나라에서 디즈니 채널이 방송한 바 있다.

제목은 롤리팝(lolipop)에서 poprock으로 치환한 것으로 보인다.혹은 lol I Rock이거나

화수는 총 26화.
시즌 2 제작 발표가 떴다. 2017년 10월 예정.

영여 녹음에서 대개 캐나다 밴쿠버 출신을 기용했는데, 대부분이 마이 리틀 포니 북미판 성우들이다(...).

2 오프닝

오른쪽 아래의 Winx Club 인물에 신경쓰이면 지는거다. 올린 사람이 Winx 팬이거든 (유튜브의 자동 워터마크로, 편집자가 영상 편집 단계에서 삽입한 것은 아니다.)

Alright, I got a secret...
A Lolirock Star!
We're on a Magic Quest
(Because the girls, In a world out of nowhere, Come in fact to save the day)
Raise your hands you can touch the sky!
Reach the stars we can make you fly!
Call the girls fun is in the air!
S.O.S we'll be always there!
Raise your hands you can touch the sky!
Reach the stars(stars!) we'll (will!) make (make!) you (you!) fly!

3 줄거리

평범한 10대 소녀 아이리스가 남사친 나타니엘의 제안으로 탈리아와 아리아나가 개최한 오디션에 임하게되며 탈리아와 아리아나를 만나 지방 아이돌로 활동하며 자신의 비밀을 알게되고 '프린세스'로 변신하며 악에 맞서 싸워나가는 스토리.

4 등장인물

4.1 레귤러

Lolirock의 프린세스들은 대부분의 마법소녀물과는 다르게, 변신체가 원래 모습이고 인간체가 변장한 모습이다.
왼쪽부터 아리아나 - 탈리아 - 아이리스

이름상징문양(색)매직 젬출신지
하트, 사각형 별(분홍색)목걸이Ephedia
초승달 (주황색)반지Volta
다이아몬드 (파란색)팔찌Xeris


4.2 조력자 / 신전사

왼쪽부터 리나-이지라-카리사.

이름상징문양(색)매직 젬출신지
팔각형 별 (보라색)완장Calix
트리플다이아몬드 (파란색)불명Xeris

4.3 악당 측

4.4 주변 인물


성우는 Matt Ellis.
아이리스의 유일한 친구이자 썸남로, 진갈색의 머리와 민트색 눈을 가진 히스패닉계(추정) 소년이다.
아이리스는 나타니엘을 친구 이상으로 좋아하고 있으며, 본인도 가끔 아이리스를 친구 이상으로 좋아하는 듯한 모습을 보이기도 한다.

그러다가 19화 shanila surprise에서 키스를 함으로써 아이리스와의 커플링 성사에 성공한다(!).

5 음악 목록

5.1 엔딩 곡

정확히는 PV가 제작된 곡들이다. 에피소드 마지막마다 PV의 1절 파트(숏 TV 사이즈 버전)만 나온뒤 스탭롤이 나오기 때문에 사실상 엔딩으로 보아도 무방하다.
물론 원판은 불어이지만, 본 항목에서는 더 익숙한 영어버전을 다룬다.

  • Revolution

wake up,(steady)
get up,(ready)
move up (to the music revolution baby)
warm up (ooh)
stand up (yeah)
reach up (for the music revolution baby)
everybody (knows it), everybody (choose it)
everybody (move your feet on the dance floor)
watch out (steady)
look cool (ready)
hey girls
(start a revolution)

we are, Energetic!
we are, Charasmatic!
party (on the planet)
(dance to the the revolution)
dont be automatic
just be super sonic
let go never panic
(dance to the revolution)
stand up you can follow
wings up sing it over
(dance to the revolution)
you will be Energetic
you will be Charasmatic
party on the planet
dance to the revolution
show out
steady work out
ready watch us to the music revolution baby
hands up
ready wake up
say it start up to the music revolution baby
everybody (knows it) everybody (choose it)
everybody move your feet on the dance floor
dress up stary
the diamond is shiny
start your party
(start a revolution)

we are, Energetic!
we are, Charasmatic!
party on the planet,
dance to the revolution
dont be automatic
just be super sonic
let go never panic
(dance to the revolution)
stand up you can follow
wings up sing it over
(dance to the revolution)
you will be Energetic
you will be Charasmatic
party on the planet
(dance dance dance dance)
you will be Energetic
you will be Charasmatic
party on the planet
(dance to the revolution)
  • Higher

Oh when I'm feelin' doubts
I know I can count on my best friends
Yeah the word is out
United our friendship rocks

On the up standin' side by side
Hear that sound
Hear that sound
Let the whole world know
That we're back in town
Spread the word around
We've come back in town

(Let the music take you higher-)

Raise your hands you can touch the sky
Reach the stars we can make you fly
Call the girls fun is in the air
SOS we'll be always there

Raise your hands you can touch the sky
Rock your world in a fantasy
Let the music take you
(Higher- higher- ooh-)

One, two, three yeah we're steppin' out
Hear that sound
Hear that sound
Let the whole world know
Say it loud and proud
That we're back in town

Spread the word around
On the up standin' side by side
Hear that sound
Can you hear that sound?
Let the whole world know
That we're back in town
Spread the word around
We've come back in town

(Let the music take you higher-)

Raise your hands you can touch the sky
Reach the stars we can make you fly
Call the girls fun is in the air
SOS we'll be always there

Raise your hands you can touch the sky
Rock your world in a fantasy
Spread your wings we will set you free
Call the girls fun is in the air
Let the music take you
  • BFF

Oh when I start the day
I'm checking on my friends
To see if they're OK
They can count on me
And if I'm feeling down
My friends will come around
We're gonna make some noise
We'll be laughin'
Hey there
The stars out in the sky
Like a rocket we can fly
We're standing by each other yeah
Hey there
Whatever we do
We'll make it through
No limit where we go

When things get tough
We are better when together
Come rain or shine
We'll be always friends forever
When things go wrong
We rely on one another
We won't give up
'Cause we always got each other

Here comes the girls yeah
Here comes the girls yeah
Here comes the girls yeah
Here comes the girls

BFF we are true, true, true friends
BFF friendship never e-ends

Oh when I'm in a fix
It's hard to figure out
Who's gonna tell me where
Do I go from here?
The girls will show the way
My friends are always near
They'll come and save the day
I can count on them
And when we get to three
United we will be
We're gonna have some fun
'Cause we are one
We're spreading stars
Yeah the world is ours
We'll take it far
We'll be laughin'

Like a rocket high
Here we go
We can fly
Take it higher
Let's take it higher
Bright... Then... we go...
Here bright... Then... we go...
Have a good time

When things get tough
We are better when together
Come rain or shine
We'll be always friends forever
When things go wrong
We rely on one another
We won't give up
'Cause we always got each other

Here comes the girls yeah
Here comes the girls yeah
Here comes the girls yeah
Here comes the girls
  • Celebrate

Tell me, Tell me you wanna get away.
Tell me, Tell me now what you wanna say.
Magic's in the air, set yourself free
Take a trip with us, that's the way to be.

When you're out of breath, no need to despair.
You can count on us, we'll be always there.
We can make you fly on the dance floor now.
Riding with the stars, we will show you how.

Start ignition!
Moving faster!
In the Future!

Are you ready?
Here we go!
Never stopping!
Oh yeah we show!
Keep on rocking!
Super girly nova power!

We're gonna celebrate now!
IN a diamond world, we are the super girls!

We're gonna celebrate now!
Dancing on the moon,never feeling outta tune!

We're gonna celebrate now!
Take it to the sky, just like a rocket high!

We're gonna celebrate now!
Right! Now! Now!

When you're feeling down, you can call our names.
We'll come running back just to save the day.
We can make you fly on the dance floor now.
Riding with the stars, we will show you how.

Start ignition!
Moving faster!
In the Future!

Are you ready?
Here we go!
Never stopping!
Oh yeah we show!
Keep on rocking!
Super girly nova power!

We're gonna celebrate now!
IN a diamond world, we are the super girls!

We're gonna celebrate now!
Dancing on the moon,never feeling outta tune!

We're gonna celebrate now!
Take it to the sky, just like a rocket high!

We're gonna celebrate now!
(One, two , three, four, five!That's way to be! )

Start ignition!
Moving faster!
In the Future!

Are you ready?
Here we go!
Never stopping!
Oh yeah we show!
Keep on rocking!
Super girly nova power!

We're gonna celebrate now!
IN a diamond world, we are the super girls!

We're gonna celebrate now!
Dancing with the stars,never feeling outta tune!

We're gonna celebrate now!
Take it to the sky, just like a rocket high!

We're gonna celebrate now!
Right! Now! Now!
  • We are Magic

You tell me, I'm out of sight
You give me, Butterflies
I'm hanging on every world you say
you always make my day
my heart is like bass drum
when i see you I skip a beat
The way I feel's so awesome
Cuz you keep smiling back at me

moving faster than the speed of light
"U & I" Feel so right
Glitter rains over everywhere we go
You rock my world in the moonlight
Spread the magic,
You and I, we are magic
Spread the magic,
You and I, we are magic

You tell me, I'm really cute
You got me, hooked on you
I know that you feel the same
Every time I hear you call my name

Dancing under the stars
We're spinning faster
Turning around, here we go
We can take it far

We are magic...
We are...

moving faster than the speed of light
"U & I" Feel so right
Glitter rains over everywhere we go
You rock my world in the moonlight

Paly the music I feel so alive
Gaining speed, We can fly
Way out there in the universe
baby You and I we are magic

Spread the magic,
You and I, we are magic
Spread the magic,
You and I, we are magic
Spread the magic,
You and I, we are magic
Spread the magic,
You and I, we are magic

We are magic!

5.2 수록곡

  • Reach the Stars

  • Party Talking

  • Never Give Up

  • New Stars Generation

  • LoliStep

6 기타

서양덕들 사이에서는 Winx Club과 경쟁이 이루어지지만, 대부분은 LoliRock을 더 선호하는 듯하다.
작품 대상 그대로 유년층 팬이 대부분인데다가, 모션이 부자연스럽고 7기째 디자인만 바뀌면서 공격 스타일은 계속 우려먹는 Winx Club에 비해 모션이 역동적이고, 자연스러우며 작화가 더 이쁘다는 평이 대부분. 팬층또한 청소년 및 성인 팬층이 두둑하다.

Go! 프린세스 프리큐어와도 비슷하다는 의견이 오간다.물론 서양덕들 얘기다

빨강/분홍머리와 금발머리를 오가는 주인공캐부터 보라색, 달과 관련된 노랑캐[1], 그리고 한살많은 파랑캐까지.[2]
  1. 이동 다만 아리아나는 보라캐로 구성되었다가 완전한 노랑(주황)캐로 바뀐 반면, 큐어 트윙클은 노랑색에 보라색의 비중이 들어가있다.
  2. 이동 심지어 이 셋 각각 성격마저도 비슷하다(...)